2024 Summer Guide to Safe and Fun Road Trips

25 July 2024

Summer is the perfect time to hit the road and explore the country. Whether you’re planning a cross-country adventure or a weekend getaway, all-day driving and road trips can be an exciting and memorable experience for the whole family.

Great road trips require careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth journey for all. From driving safety to managing young children and pets, here’s a comprehensive guide to a safe and fun summer road trip.

Prepare Your Vehicle.

The last thing you want to encounter while far away from home is an issue with your vehicle. Before setting off, perform a thorough inspection of your vehicle. Check the tire pressure, fluid levels, brakes, lights, and wipers to ensure everything is in the proper working condition.

Consider getting a professional tune-up if needed. It’s also wise to get any regular maintenance due on your car done such as an oil change, tire rotation, or fluid flush before hitting the road.

If you’re bringing a vehicle you don’t normally drive, take it on a few shorter test drives. Look and listen for anything unusual that you may want a mechanic to inspect before leaving such as squeaky brakes, illuminated dashboard lights, or non-working air conditioning.

Inspect your towing gear and set-up if you are towing anything with you. Taking a few practice trips around your neighborhood before your long drive can be helpful too. It will give you some practice driving and help you identify any potential issues.

Practice Safe Driving.

Once you know your vehicle(s) are road-ready and everything is packed, it’s important every road warrior is ready for the job.

Get Sufficient Rest: One of the most important aspects of safe driving is being well-rested. Avoid driving while feeling sleepy or fatigued, as it may delay your reaction time and decision-making. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep before hitting the road.

Take Regular Breaks: Long hours behind the wheel can be exhausting, so plan to take breaks every 2-3 hours or whenever you feel tired. Use rest stops to stretch your legs, grab a snack, and rehydrate. Short breaks can help you stay alert and focused while driving.

Stay hydrated and nourished: Dehydration and hunger can affect your concentration while driving. Keep a supply of water and healthy snacks in the car to hydrate and maintain your energy levels throughout the trip.

Observe speed limits: Speeding increases the risk of accidents and decreases the time you have to react to an unexpected situation. Stick to the posted speed limits and adjust your speed according to weather and road conditions.

Minimize distractions: Keep your focus on the road when driving. Using your cellphone, eating and drinking are all distractions—and illegal to do while driving in some states. Getting caught up in music, a podcast, audiobook, or even a conversation with a passenger can be a distraction as well.

Buckle up: Seat belts save lives. Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 50% of the people in passenger vehicles who were killed were not buckled. Make a habit of buckling up before you start driving, and set a good example for your passengers, especially children and teenagers.

Get the right coverage for your vehicle(s). InsureOnline can help you find the right policy to keep you protected on the road. Get a free quote today or give us a call at (844) 358-5605 to discuss.

Make Traveling with Young Children Easier.

Road trips can be fun for children and pleasant for the adults with some planning.

Do some research to map out kid-friendly stops. Breaking up long stretches of driving with stops at parks, playgrounds, or attractions can help everyone take a break, stretch their legs, and burn off any extra energy.

Plan ways to entertain the kids while driving. Books, toys, games, and electronics that won’t interfere with the driver or safety are all good ideas. You might play a family car game such as “I Spy” or the license plate game.

Pack smart snacks that your children can eat safely and bring plenty of things to make the drive comfortable like pillows or blankets.

It’s a good idea to review NHTSA’s car seat recommendations to ensure you have each child in the proper car seat, booster seat, or other restraint to help keep the kiddo safe while on the road.

Remember that traveling with kids will most likely not go exactly as planned. You’ll want to be flexible and patient throughout the trip. Mentally preparing yourself to be “off schedule” or needing to take more breaks can help reduce your frustration and keep the trip a lighthearted, fun adventure.

Plan For Your Pets While on The Road.

Not all pets enjoy being in the car, so if your pet doesn’t enjoy being on the road, consider hiring a pet sitter or making other arrangements so your pet doesn’t have to travel. If you are bringing your pet, it’s important to make sure you bring the essentials such as pet food and water bowls, leash, waste bags, bedding, toys, and any medications they may need.

While the vehicle is in motion, your pet should be restrained. Cats and small dogs might do well in pet carriers. Some dogs may do better in harnesses or dog seat belts. It can be dangerous to let your dog or cat wander around the car freely, especially if there is an accident. A harness or other restraint will help keep them safe, and it may also prevent them from distracting the driver.

Plan to make frequent break for your pet to relieve themselves and get a little exercise and play in. Preplanning pet-friendly stops can be helpful. Always keep your pet on a leash when at a rest stop, park, or in public.

Leaving your pet unattended in your vehicle can post unique risks. Even with the windows cracked open, the temperature inside the car can quickly reach dangerously hot levels. Stay with your pet and monitor their wellbeing throughout the trip.

Before You Hit the Road, Contact Your Insurance Agent.

Before you pack your bags and hit the road, make sure you have the right insurance coverage for you. Policies for any RVs, boats, or passenger vehicles may need to be reviewed. If your auto insurance policy does not include Roadside Assistance, you may want to discuss your options to keep you protected, especially when you’ll be far from home.

The insurance agents at InsureOnline.com can also help you decide if you’re driving with the coverage that makes sense for you. If there are other policies or additional coverages that make better sense for you, we’ll help get you protected today.

Start your free quote or call us at (844) 358-5605 to start the converstation.

A summer road trip can be a memorable adventure for everyone. By prioritizing safe driving, planning, considering the needs of all passengers, and reviewing your insurance policies, you can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for all.

Safe travels, road warrior!

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For information and quotes on insurance coverage, please visit InsureOnline.com or call (844) 358-5605.

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